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Web server

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web server RPi is quite good also as a small web server. In this image I installed Apache 2.2.22, PHP 5.4.4-12 and MySql 5.5.28 (root password is rpisql).

The files of the pages You wish to share will be put in the folder /var/www. Now there's just a simple php file that shows the system configuration.
You can upload new files using SSH connection, but if You prefer it's possible to install also a FTP connection typing the following commands:

sudo chown -R pi /var/www
sudo apt-get install vsftpd

Then modify the file vsftpd.conf changing the row anonymous_enable=YES to anonymous_enable=NO, removig the comments from rows local_enable=YES and write_enable=YES and adding the row force_dot_files=YES at the bottom of the file.

It's advisable to change the pi password using command

sudo passwd pi

These are the RPi sections:
C64 emulator
Web server
Installing Yowsup
Using Whatsapp